Awakened versus The Blind (AvsTB)

My Alien Friend, Tootah

More Questions: (Genesis)

I received a few emails with some good questions about the previous story and I would like to ask them along with a few of my own. Toejus said something about “Anchor Points” and “Polar Pairs”. Can you elaborate on their importance and purpose?

Anchor Points are typically placed at points around the planet that have the potential to be what you would call the magnetic north and south. The North and South poles are a Polar Pair. A stable planet will only have one active polar pair where the active north is always pointing to the “Galactic Plane”. However, there is typically more than one potential Polar Pair on a planet. Every time the planet goes through the galactic plane, it must find harmony in the poles. A major pole has the strongest attraction to the galactic plane. Which would become the new north pole, if you only have one “Polar Pair” the planet would have to do a full 180 shift to get the north pole to realign. As it stands now in your time, humans have not only destroyed some of the polar pairs by mining the very materials that generated them, but those same materials were also supporting the electromagnetic field that surrounded the planet. Toejus had to create several “Polar Pairs”, his preferred minimum pair count is 3 major and 2 minors. The majors would be the current North and Sound pole and 2 pairs crossing the equator. The 2 minors (or 4 depending on the size of the planet) would be crisscrossed evenly around the space between the active poles and the equator poles. This keeps the spin of the planet to a major pole down to a manageable speed without intervention. Without the minor poles it could spin too fast and overshoot its goal to a major pole. If it missed its goal it could either keep spinning or act like a pendulum, either way (without intervention) that would most likely cause continental shift, which as you can imagine, is very destructive. The added benefit of creating the anchor points yourself, allows you to control the magnetic shift internally so that planet does not have to move. Using Magic, Right? High Energy, Yes, in addition to a few structures placed around the planet, we can manually sync the poles as it travels through the plane eventually migrating them to the opposite sides of the planet without the planet having to do a 180. This event typically happens on average every 12 to 50 thousand earth years, that last one happened closer to 12 than 50.

If you got this far and you are interested in join an Awakening of sorts or resinate with what was said here... If you believe you may have reincarnated or can feel energy around you more than what you think the people around you feel. Maybe... you can join the private Facebook Group. The group is just starting an although there are big plans, nothing is happening yet, so you may be amoung the first people to join. Although nothing is happening yet, I require a few questions to be answered before joining the group and one of those questions is "Do you have any Questions?" If it is a good quesiton we may start the group off with your question along with the answer from Tootah.

Need more information? Are you ready to take the next step of the Awakening? MAFOA is the only real GOD but she is not here to rule, she is Mother Nature and she is here to Empower. It is past time for you to learn about the Awakening some of you are already experiencing. Let's start it now. Awaken! Click that link and don't just read the words there, feel the words. Because Feeling is Believing.

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